Below are some macro scripts to use when playing Lancer in Roll20. There is code for a Structure Damage table that quickly lays out the results for losing a structure, an Overheating table for managing mechs overheating and a table for Heat from the Overcharge action.

Structure Damage Table

&{template:lancer} {{name=STRUCTURE DAMAGE TABLE}}{{to-hit=[[0]]}}{{acc-diff=[[d6]][[d6]][[d6]][[d6]]}}{{= **5-6: Glancing Blow** = Emergency systems kick in and stabilize your mech, but it’s “IMPAIRED“ until the end of your next turn.

**2-4: System Trauma** = Parts of your mech are torn off by the damage. **Roll: [[1d6]]**.

“1–3:“ All weapons on one mount of your choice are destroyed;

“4–6:“ A system of your choice is destroyed. **LIMITED** systems and weapons that are out of charges are not valid choices. If there are no valid choices remaining, it becomes the other result. If there are no valid systems or weapons remaining, this result becomes a “DIRECT HIT“ instead.

**1: Direct Hit** = The result depends on your mech’s remaining **STRUCTURE:**

“3+ STRUCTURE:“ Your mech is “STUNNED“ until the end of your next turn.

“2 STRUCTURE:“ Roll a **HULL check.** On a success, your mech is “STUNNED“ until the end of your next turn. On a failure, your mech is destroyed.

“1 STRUCTURE:“ Your mech is destroyed.

**Multiple 1s: Crushing Hit** = Your mech is damaged beyond repair – it is destroyed. You may still exit it as normal.

Overheating Table

&{template:lancer} {{name=OVERHEATING TABLE}}{{to-hit=[[0]]}}{{acc-diff=[[d6]][[d6]][[d6]][[d6]]}}{{= **5-6: Emergency Shunt** = Your mech’s cooling systems manage to contain the increasing heat; however, your mech becomes “IMPAIRED“ until the end of your next turn.

**2-4: Destabilized Power Plant** = The power plant becomes unstable, beginning to eject jets of plasma. Your mech
becomes “EXPOSED“ until the status is cleared.

**1: Meltdown** = The result depends on your mech’s remaining **STRESS:**

“3+ STRESS:“ Your mech becomes “EXPOSED“

“2 STRESS:“ Roll an **ENGINEERING** check. On a success, your mech is “EXPOSED“; on a failure, it suffers a reactor meltdown after [[1d6]] of your turns. A reactor meltdown can be prevented by retrying the “ENGINEERING“ check as a free action.

“1 STRESS:“ Your mech suffers a “Reactor Meltdown“ at the **end of your next turn.**

**Multiple 1s: Irreversible Meltdown** = The reactor goes critical – your mech suffers a “Reactor Meltdown“ at the **end of your next turn**.



&{template:lancer} {{name=OVERCHARGE}} {{tags=Trait}} {{effect=Once per turn, you can **OVERCHARGE** your mech, allowing you to make any **quick action as a free action**– even actions you have already taken this turn.

**1st TIME:** [[1]]“HEAT“
**2nd TIME:** [[1d3]]“HEAT“
**3rd TIME:** [[1d6]]“HEAT“
**4th+ TIME:** [[1d6+4]]“HEAT“

**A FULL REPAIR resets this counter.**}} {{color=}}