

Less Cool, More Rule: Pathfinder 2e Recaps || Win With Dice Podcast 033

In this episode, we have two recaps for the price of one! [...]

Rewarding, Engaging and Encouraging Your Players || Win With Dice Podcast 032

In this week's episode, we talk about how to make your players [...]

February 24th, 2021|Categories: Blog Post, Episodes, TTRPG, Win With Dice, Win With Dice Podcast, YouTube|

Pathfinder 2e Recap, Unused Plans and (Another) Character Death || Win With Dice Podcast 031

In this week's episode, we have a recap that features another unfortunate [...]

Pathfinder 2e Recap, Split Party and Quest Lists || Win With Dice Podcast 030

In this week's episode, we recap another session of a pathfinder game [...]

February 10th, 2021|Categories: Blog Post, Episodes, Pathfinder, Phandelver, Recap, TTRPG, Win With Dice, Win With Dice Podcast, YouTube|

Pathfinder 2e Recap: History and Hags || Win With Dice Podcast 029

This week's episode features a recap of the last two sessions of [...]

Lancer RPG and Using Random Tables For Games || Win With Dice Podcast 028

In this episode, we recap our last Lancer stream and talk about using [...]

January 27th, 2021|Categories: Blog Post, Episodes, Lancer, Pathfinder, Recap, TTRPG, Win With Dice, Win With Dice Podcast, YouTube|

Win With Dice Lancer Mech RPG Actual Play – Session 3

The third session of our Lancer Mech Campaign! Featuring giant robot combat, [...]

January 23rd, 2021|Categories: Actual Play, Blog Post, Episodes, Lancer, Lancer Actual Play, Livestream, TTRPG, Win With Dice, YouTube|

New DM Guest and Pathfinder 2e Recap! || Win With Dice Podcast 027

This week we have a new guest! The GM for our Pathfinder game [...]

GMs Talk About Player Characters || Win With Dice Podcast 026

In this first episode of the year, we turn things around and talk [...]

January 13th, 2021|Categories: Blog Post, Episodes, Lancer, Pathfinder, TTRPG, Win With Dice, Win With Dice Podcast, YouTube|

2020 Retrospective and The Future Of The Channel! || Win With Dice Podcast 025

In our last episode of the year, we talk about what we [...]

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