

Enter Ejecta! | Renegades Of The Drift #7 | Starfinder

After surviving their epic space battle, the crew takes a hostage. As [...]

Gold Knight vs. Plague Rat! | Sentinels Of The Multiverse | Mutants And Masterminds Actual Play

A new superhero, GOLD KNIGHT, partners with Legacy on a trial mission, [...]

Mutants And Masterminds Character Creation | Getting Into Character #2

Calvin and Ramon build a new superhero for the Mutant And Masterminds [...]

Flight Of The Silverbird | Renegades Of The Drift #6 | Starfinder

An escaping ship with the crew in hot pursuit! Will our heroes [...]

Pathfinder Character Creation | Getting Into Character #1

Calvin, Cam and Deanna create characters from scratch for a one shot [...]

May 21st, 2018|Categories: Blog Post, Episodes, Getting Into Character, Pathfinder, TTRPG, Win With Dice, YouTube|
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